That blog title made me laugh out loud and want to skip rope. ☺
Today is a “Day of Awesomeness” – what a great time to appreciate our employees here at Flagology.
Recently, I was feeling discouraged, and Amber J (yep, we have 2 Amber’s in our tiny company – what are the odds?) said to me “Susan, you just need to trust us to get it done.” She was right. And I did. And wow are they ever getting it done. So meet the team!
- Amber J – she is smart and determined. If she had a title, it would probably be something like “the woman who gets things done on time.” She is detail oriented and focused and is not afraid of hard work. And she is also the person who pushes me to think differently, especially around technology, which, trust me, is a HARD JOB. Plus she is a beautiful person, inside & out.
- Amber W. is the shyest person in the office, but she has huge opinions. She coordinates all our art and works with our fabulous artists – who love her dearly. When I first hired Amber about 10 years ago, I never imagined what a powerful woman she would grow into. She has become the person everyone goes to when they have a question about how something works – anything really. The words that come to mind when I think of her are trust and integrity.
- Lindsey started with us as a nanny and a big sister – and became more like a sister to me. I’d trust her with my life. She started with Flagology last year, as a sort of administrative assistant, and has quickly become part of the soul of the company. You can hear her giggle across the building – it’s infectious. If you order a monogram from us, it’s because Lindsey took it upon herself to figure out how to launch this tricky product, pretty much by herself!
- Lorrie is in charge of Flagology. No other way to put it. She keeps me on track every day, with organizational skills that would be welcome at the Pentagon and a work ethic that I admire. But when I think about Lorrie, the first thing that comes to mind is her daughter, Sarah – because every day when I go around the building to say hello, I say to Lorrie “hey, how was your night?” And she inevitably replies with something like “good, Sarah had a piano recital last night!” Lorrie is full of love and faith and family and being around her makes me happy.
- Natalie is our independent, authentic soul. She has a strong sense of style and radiates confidence. Her pup, Buster is part of the trio of dogs that hang out here all day long – he is beautiful and generous with his toys ☺ . My daughter loves to come into the office specifically to make Natalie laugh! She is expressive and full of joy. When you choose a beautiful stylish font on your flag, know that Natalie spent many hours finding the perfect options for you.
- Robin is born and bred of the glorious Mountains of NC. She drives an hour each day to work and we are so grateful. Robin is smart and hard working and focuses clearly and independently every day on what will make us a better company. She is right to the point – and has the kindest heart. Robin has recently fallen head over heels in love – with her new grand-daughter, Willow – if you come by our offices, you will see pictures everywhere.
- Emme & Bella! Our company mascots, Emme is a Labrador, and Bella is a tiny mutt. They are truly sisters, and often remind us of what matters – like walks and treats, and sunshine naps. They join Buster in creating an office that is often full of love and laughter.