Celebrating National Poetry Month

Poetry Quote FlagThere is a certain beauty in words that is similar to a painting displayed on a wall. While a picture may be worth a thousand words, when molded together in phrases and sentences, words have the power to create a unique picture in each of our minds. The thing about words is that the beauty behind them is truly in the eye of the reader.

April is National Poetry Month, so we thought we’d pay a tribute to the many poets who continue to capture the intricacies of life with their artfully chosen words. National Poetry Month, founded by the Academy of American Poets in 1966, was started to celebrate the beauty that is poetry, encourage the study of poetry in schools, and gain support for American poets. To learn more about National Poetry Month and the activities surrounding the month, click here.

It would have been extremely tough to narrow down one quote from just one of our nation’s great poets. So instead of trying to find the greatest quote ever written in a poem (a difficult task to say the least) we found this quote by Edgar Allen Poe that describes what poetry is. While his most widely known works were in the horror and detective genres, Poe also wrote poetry and the words speak volumes. To learn more about Edgar Allen Poe’s life and legacy as a writer, click here. “Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words” was how he chose to describe the art of poetry. We thought that this quote was a pretty good summary of what poetry is: beautiful!


If you see a quote you love, share it! Comment on our blog, post on our Facebookfollow us on Google+ or tweet at us! No matter how you share, we hope our posts will inspire you and those around you to make the most of everything life has to offer. Do you have a quote that you live by? We would love to know what keeps you motivated! Please leave a comment on our blog posts or email us at [email protected] and you just might see how fast a little positive energy can spread!

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