An Artist of Hope – Our January Flagology HERO!

Well Friends, here we are. We told you a few short weeks ago in our blog Who Is Your Hero? that our company mission – making people smile & giving back – is what we love to do! It was in that blog that we announced our Flagology Love Campaign – where we ask you to nominate someone who is making a difference in our world. We read through all the stories and chose our Hero of the Month – someone who inspires us by spreading love – and we recognize that person with a year’s worth of free flags!

January was dedicated to all the Teachers in our world who have made a difference, and we learned – thanks to you – about so many big hearts! We heard about teachers inspiring kids to raise money for cancer, instilling self-esteem, going above and beyond in the community, in their churches, in their neighborhoods and being so much more than academic leaders.  It was so, so hard to choose only one Hero this month – but after many conversations here in our office, we are honored to announce the January 2014 Flagology Hero of the Month is Michelle Johnson Major (, nominated by Michelle Kennedy.

michelleheroMichelle Johnson Major was Michelle Kennedy’s art teacher in high school. Michelle Kennedy writes about her teacher:

“Recently, I heard her devastating story and how instead of letting it bring her down, she uses it to inspire people everyday to overcome trials in their lives! She is an amazing artist and teacher and her art would work perfectly on a flag…to fly and inspire people more each day!”

Michelle Major Johnson is an artist of hope. She had a traumatic experience, both personally and as an artist, and never thought of herself as a HERO. Turns out she was labeled one by a high school student (smart kid). Michelle is very vocal about domestic violence, after she was a survivor of an abusive relationship that almost took her life. Michelle tells her story very beautifully and with hope and grace here:, and uses her art to spread hope and be a voice for those who can’t speak up.

Here’s a small excerpt – but please, please read Michelle’s entire story:

“I asked myself, what kept you bound in silence to this man for that year of your life? Michelle, what kept you victimized? And the answer was fear. Fear of speaking my mind. Fear of his reaction. Fear of the guilt or shame associated with being abused. No longer afraid to be silent, I decided to speak up. In essence, an abuser tried to take my literal and artistic voice. I now use my voice to shine the light on the dirty, ugly secret of domestic violence.

“So, am I really a hero? At least one young woman thinks so. Not necessarily for my teaching ability, but for my strength as a woman. My courage to speak out against a crime considered taboo and shameful has become my strength. And now, more than ever before, I am determined to use my voice to speak up for victims that are trapped in silence by domestic violence.”

Michelle, your courage as a woman, artist and teacher inspires us all. We love your artwork, we love your voice, and we want to help share your story of hope! Please accept our award – the Flagology Hero of the Month (Teacher) award – and a year’s worth of free custom photo flags.

And to Michelle Kennedy for nominating this artist of hope – we thank YOU for speaking up also – your voice made an impact to spread even more hope.

One final thought – with Love Month just a few days away – during our February Flagology Love Campaign we will ask YOU for nominations for Friendship – let us know about a special Friend who inspired you, was there for you, who came into your life for a reason and made a significant impact! We’ll open nominations on Tuesday next week.

With much love,


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