It’s What You See

Henry David Thoreau

We live in a fast-paced society with never-ending ways of keeping connected to the world around us. But when was the last time you actually stopped to admire everything you see on a normal day? Sometimes it actually takes some effort to “stop and smell the roses” but with it being spring time, we hope to inspire you to do it!

Henry David Thoreau’s was an author, poet, and philosopher who was best known for his experimental way of living that he detailed in the book Walden. The majority of his time he spent observing his surroundings on his mentor, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s, property in Concord, Massachusetts. Read more about Thoreau’s life here. While much of his work was beautifully introspective, the quote of his that particularly struck us was, “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” It’s not until you see the beauty in something that it begins to take shape, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So think about the ordinary things that you see every day on your way to work, the way to the grocery store, or even in your own backyard- would you consider them to be beautiful? If you don’t at first glace, look a little closer and you might just see an artistry in something that you had never noticed before. It’s all about perspective!


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