National Poetry Month: Robert Frost

We’re continuing with the celebration of National Poetry Month by featuring another famous American poet for our quote blog this Monday (check out our previous post here)! One of the most notable poets in American history, Robert Frost’s beautiful words have impacted many; his poems are frequently taught in schools to this day. His poems were often written about nature and were deeply influenced by his surroundings, which is probably why the words he used were so vivid and beautifully descriptive. Read more about Robert Frost’s life here.

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference” is a quote taken from one of Frost’s most famous poems, The Road Not TakenWhile so many meanings can be inferred from this one line of the poem, we choose to think of it as a statement of choices. In the poem, Frost must decide which path to take on his hike when he comes to a fork in the road. While he never explicitly states one path is better or one is worse than the other, he still decides to go down one path, fully knowing that he may never get the opportunity to explore the other path. The poem speaks to the fact that we must make choices in life and may never be faced with the same opportunity twice. Our team chooses to look at this poem as a source of inspiration, to live in the moment and not regret the path that we choose, instead try to look at every path in a positive light.


If you see a quote you love, share it! Comment on our blog, post on our Facebookfollow us on Google+ or tweet at us! No matter how you share, we hope our posts will inspire you and those around you to make the most of everything life has to offer. Do you have a quote that you live by? We would love to know what keeps you motivated! Please leave a comment on our blog posts or email us at [email protected] and you just might see how fast a little positive energy can spread!

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