Pygmy Goats!

Photo Credit: Versailles1770 YouTube Channel

Happy Friday everyone! If there is one thing that we love to share in the Flagology office, it’s cute animal videos! Amber, the lovely Flagologist that found this particular video, just so happens to have an obsession with goats. Not only does she want one goat, she would love to have two so that they don’t get lonely! If you’re wondering “Why would anyone want a pet goat?” look no further than this list of seven reasons why you should have a pet goat.  While we might not be adding on to our Flagology mascots (Emme and Bella) with a pet goat any time soon, we can only hope that if Amber ever does find a goat that she would bring it by the office from time to time.

After watching this adorable video, we can’t really blame Amber for wanting a pet goat. Enjoy!



What’s the best way to show off your own unique pets? A custom photo garden or house flag, of course! Click here for flag ideas fit for the best of furry friends.

Do you have a special pet story? With every pet flag we make for our customers, there is a beautiful story to go along with it and we would absolutely love to hear yours! Post your story to our blog, comment on our Facebook or email us at [email protected] and we might feature your furry friend tale in our next post!


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