Want to Fundraise for Your Community? We Give back 5%!

Garden-FlagWhen we started Flagology just a few short months ago, what was really important to us was that we have fun and make an impact on others. Well, we are certainly having a blast here – we’ve printed hundreds of your custom photo flags in the last few months – some of them funny and cute, others inspirational, and most just downright beautiful!!

When it comes to making an impact, we want to create products that give back to our community – and yours.  That’s why Flagology is committed to donating 5% of sales back to the non-profit community.  I could just pick my personal favorite charities – but our idea is to give the decision about where the 5% goes to you.  You create the flags – you create who gets the fundraising dollars.

Do you work with a non-profit or charitable organization or know someone who does?

Apply below and we will send you a Promo-Code you can give out to all your non-profit’s supporters. When your promo-code is used, we will send 5% of sales back to your organization.

We’ve already developed some great partnerships and wow, have there been some good ideas. We are just getting started – and already a pet advocacy group has created a custom border with their logo for pet rescues. They provide a link to it with the promo code on their website. Another group is working with us right now to develop Honor Flags for Police Officers who have fallen in the line of duty.  We’re creating a custom border to outline their photos when someone from the group orders a custom photo flag.  This is a great way for a non-profit group to honor their mission, raise awareness, engage their supporters … and raise money for their organization.

So I’d like to ask you – what non-profits do you know that would be a great fit? Send them to this page – http://www.flagology.com/flagology-affiliate-program The form is quick and easy – and we promise, they will be delighted with our product.

*Please note, this coupon code has expired and is no longer valid.* Contact us at [email protected] with any questions.


Flagology Non-Profit CTA 600

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