I Wish Joy For You, Every Day. Go Find it!


Mother’s Day is May 11th.  So for April, we are celebrating Moms, and looking for our Hero of the Month.  You nominate a mom (yours, someone else’s – doesn’t matter!) and we choose a HERO and give her a year’s worth of free custom photo flags. The winning mom can make them, donate them to charity or share them with friends – and keep on giving back.

This is an easy post to write – my mom is a vibrant woman, full of energy and ideas and love.  My mom was born from a marriage of my German Lutheran Grandmother & my Sicilian Catholic Grandfather.  She is of both worlds.  I see her German roots as she is tenacious and hardworking and she never lets anything stand in her way.  She taught me a strong work ethic and the value of an education.  I see her Sicilian roots in her laughter, her dancing and music, and her passions that she throws herself into.  My mom is a beautiful mix of the human spirit and I love to hear about each of her adventures.

But that’s just why I love my mom – She is my hero because of what she taught me when I was a little girl.  She raised my brother and me in NY state while going back to school at night.  She did not have much at the time – but she infused everything we did with joy.  Going to the library was a treat.  Sharing a bowl of ice cream was a treat.  Nearly everything was free – walks in the park, contra dancing at the YMCA, rolling down the world’s highest hill, laughing like crazy, swimming in a public park, reading a book together, learning to cook, reading and reading and reading – my mom infused the world with enthusiasm.  And that is perhaps the most important lesson I learned growing up:  find joy – embrace it, learn from it, live it. Even if it is only for a moment – find your joy every day. That’s what I wish for all of you.

With that said, we want to hear about YOUR Mom!!  Use the form on this page – or leave us a post on Facebook telling us why your Mom is special and deserving of the Flagology HERO Award for April – I’m sure she would be delighted to win a year’s worth of free flags for her garden!

With love,


*Please note, this contest is no longer active.* Contact us at [email protected] with any questions.




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