Groundhog Day

Weathering a New Season?

Today is Groundhog day and whether you believe that a groundhog’s weather predictions can be accurate or not, it’s still an interesting and longstanding tradition. If you’re interested in learning more about the festivities that take place on this day look no further than Punxsutawney, PA.

Regardless of what the groundhog’s predictions are today, here at Flagology, we are going to keep on keeping on. Perhaps it’s because we are in the south and we don’t truly understand what a cold winter is really like, but we believe that we wouldn’t let the weather affect our dreams, goals, and happiness no matter what the temperatures were like outside.

Anton Chekhov, a Russian author who definitely experienced a cold winter or two in his lifetime, said, “People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they are happy.” Our team thinks that this is a perfect way to describe just how we feel on this Groundhog Day. Whether we have another six weeks of winter or an early spring, we are going to continue to be positive, because if there is one thing we truly can’t control in life, it’s the weather!

Show the world what you love

You live it. You love it. So fly it with pride! No matter what your passion is in life, a custom flag is the perfect way to show others what you love in any season! Start designing a custom flag worthy of your unique personality today!

If you see a quote you love, share it! Comment on our blog, post on our Facebookfollow us on Google+ or tweet at us! No matter how you share, we hope our posts will inspire you and those around you to make the most of everything life has to offer. Do you have a quote that you live by? We would love to know what keeps you motivated! Please leave a comment on our blog posts or email us at [email protected] and you just might see how fast a little positive energy can spread!



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