The Best Way to Predict the Future

  Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, February 12th is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. A very quote-worthy president, we thought that dedicating our Monday quote blog to him would be a fitting way to show our admiration for his ideas and actions. He came from humble beginnings, yet was able to become one of the greatest minds and leaders that our country has ever seen. Always an ambitious man, in his early years he constantly sought any knowledge that he could get his hands on. To read more about Lincoln’s life and legacy, click here.

While there were plenty of statements that Lincoln made throughout his lifetime that we could have pulled a quote from, this quote in particular struck us. He said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” As a small growing business, we couldn’t resonate more with the sentiment of this quote. While the future is always an uncertainty, it it can be altered based on your attitude and decisions. Every day we strive to create something better and positively impact our future as well as the future of others. So in celebration of the determination of this self-made man, let’s all try to predict our futures in the best way possible: by paving the way to make it brighter!


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